Shillong Night Teer is a popular game of archery played in the Indian state of Meghalaya . It is a form of gambling where people bet on the number of arrows that hit a target. The game consists of two rounds: the first round starts at 11:00 pm and the second round starts at 12:00 AM. The results are announced shortly after each round.
The game is based on the traditional sport of teer, which has been practiced by the Khasi tribe for centuries. Teer is a cultural symbol of the Khasi people and a source of income for many. The game is regulated by the Meghalaya Amusements and Betting Tax Act, 1982 . The game is legal and licensed by the state government.
Here you will get all the previous results you need for Shillong Nigh Teer! If you want to check the latest shillong nigh teer result, click here .
Shillong Night Teer Previous Result
If you want to play Shillong Night Teer, you need to know the previous results of the game. The previous results can help you to predict the next outcome and place your bets accordingly. You can find the previous results of Shillong Night Teer on this webpage, we also provide daily teer updates. You can also check the official website of Shillong Night Teer for the latest results.
The previous results are displayed in a table format with three columns: date, first round, and second round. A common number is a special number that is derived from some mathematical calculations based on the previous results. The common number is believed to have a higher chance of winning than other numbers.
What is Shillong Night Teer Chart?
Shillong Night Teer Chart is a graphical representation of the previous results of Shillong Night Teer. The chart shows the frequency and pattern of the numbers that have appeared in the past rounds. The chart can help you to analyze the trends and probabilities of the game and make better decisions.
You can find Shillong Night Teer Chart on this webpage. You can also create your own chart by using a spreadsheet or a paper and pen. To create a chart, you need to record the results of each round for a certain period of time, such as a week or a month. Then, you need to plot the numbers on a grid or a graph and look for any patterns or trends.
Shillong Night Teer Old Result
Shillong Night Teer Old Result refers to the historical data of Shillong Night Teer that goes back to several years. The old result can help you to understand the history and evolution of the game and its players. You can also use the old result to compare and contrast with the current result and see how the game has changed over time.
You can access Shillong Night Teer Old Result on this webpage. You can also request for old result from some teer agents or counters that keep records of their transactions.
Shillong Night Teer is an exciting and thrilling game that attracts many people from different walks of life. It is a game of skill, luck, and intuition that can make you rich or poor in a matter of minutes. If you want to play Shillong Night Teer, you need to be well-informed and well-prepared about the game and its rules. You also need to be responsible and ethical in your gambling habits and respect the culture and tradition of teer.
May 2023
DATE FR SR 27-05-2023 xx xx 26-05-2023 04 65 25-05-2023 98 04 24-05-2023 03 49 23-05-2023 16 51 22-05-2023 42 34 21-05-2023 35 65 20-05-2023 11 31 19-05-2023 41 43 18-05-2023 86 17 17-05-2023 68 89 16-05-2023 08 60 15-05-2023 86 55 14-05-2023 02 60 13-05-2023 60 79 12-05-2023 48 09 11-05-2023 65 31 10-05-2023 26 71 09-05-2023 98 39 08-05-2023 90 39 07-05-2023 14 30 06-05-2023 10 97 05-05-2023 25 03 04-05-2023 95 39 03-05-2023 16 38 02-05-2023 40 39 01-05-2023 47 12
April 2023
DATE FR SR 30-04-2023 78 47 29-04-2023 04 92 28-04-2023 34 02 27-04-2023 02 03 26-04-2023 83 26 25-04-2023 31 27 24-04-2023 28 68 23-04-2023 17 85 22-04-2023 20 08 21-04-2023 49 70 20-04-2023 14 47 19-04-2023 78 82 18-04-2023 14 13 17-04-2023 61 20 16-04-2023 74 52 15-04-2023 20 50 14-04-2023 72 21 13-04-2023 64 71 12-04-2023 44 37 11-04-2023 64 16 10-04-2023 81 77 09-04-2023 85 68 08-04-2023 29 31 07-04-2023 69 43 06-04-2023 07 01 04-04-2023 31 84 04-04-2023 83 22 03-04-2023 41 62 02-04-2023 65 39 01-04-2023 41 30
March 2023
DATE FR SR 31-03-2023 62 29 30-03-2023 65 97 29-03-2023 63 14 28-03-2023 19 43 27-03-2023 31 77 26-03-2023 35 61 25-03-2023 46 06 24-03-2023 22 37 23-03-2023 90 44 22-03-2023 71 55 21-03-2023 35 55 20-03-2023 49 31 19-03-2023 74 78 18-03-2023 84 71 17-03-2023 47 41 16-03-2023 08 08 15-03-2023 30 79 14-03-2023 99 37 13-03-2023 16 35 12-03-2023 99 07 11-03-2023 06 10 10-03-2023 64 85 09-03-2023 87 21 08-03-2023 15 37 07-03-2023 88 29 06-03-2023 44 86 05-03-2023 82 99 04-03-2023 34 40 03-03-2023 36 41 02-03-2023 61 10 01-03-2023 80 86
February 2023
DATE FR SR 27-02-2023 88 70 27-02-2023 44 15 26-02-2023 13 23 25-02-2023 14 23 24-02-2023 93 51 23-02-2023 84 44 22-02-2023 91 36 21-02-2023 37 80 19-02-2023 73 40 19-02-2023 88 94 18-02-2023 34 37 17-02-2023 77 88 16-02-2023 67 90 15-02-2023 99 80 14-02-2023 71 97 13-02-2023 91 55 12-02-2023 30 50 11-02-2023 62 62 10-02-2023 44 39 09-02-2023 70 77 08-02-2023 30 48 07-02-2023 78 73 06-02-2023 74 26 05-02-2023 51 88 04-02-2023 22 97 03-02-2023 26 16 02-02-2023 77 38 01-02-2023 24 43
January 2023
DATE FR SR 31-01-2023 11 43 30-01-2023 26 48 29-01-2023 49 43 28-01-2023 71 15 27-01-2023 20 41 26-01-2023 91 71 25-01-2023 95 17 24-01-2023 41 16 23-01-2023 45 94 22-01-2023 54 53 21-01-2023 80 61 20-01-2023 61 59 19-01-2023 32 37 18-01-2023 90 60 17-01-2023 26 03 16-01-2023 31 41 15-01-2023 03 34 14-01-2023 31 60 13-01-2023 04 62 12-01-2023 79 85 11-01-2023 35 37 10-01-2023 31 08 09-01-2023 98 80 08-01-2023 22 93 07-01-2023 37 67 06-01-2023 15 69 05-01-2023 57 19 04-01-2023 18 04 03-01-2023 08 04 02-01-2023 73 60 01-01-2023 82 68
December 2022
DATE FR SR 31-12-2022 56 46 30-12-2022 04 xx 29-12-2022 88 93 28-12-2022 06 23 27-12-2022 84 60 26-12-2022 84 62 25-12-2022 28 23 24-12-2022 45 07 23-12-2022 61 51 22-12-2022 35 91 21-12-2022 14 90 20-12-2022 35 53 19-12-2022 29 20 18-12-2022 29 32 17-12-2022 49 80 16-12-2022 82 81 15-12-2022 88 07 14-12-2022 99 03 13-12-2022 65 31 12-12-2022 18 65 11-12-2022 53 81 10-12-2022 62 81 09-12-2022 69 53 08-12-2022 18 33 07-12-2022 59 58 06-12-2022 96 91 05-12-2022 04 33 04-12-2022 90 36 03-12-2022 57 03 02-12-2022 96 65 01-12-2022 22 53
November 2022
DATE FR SR 30-11-2022 59 57 29-11-2022 84 78 28-11-2022 04 56 27-11-2022 50 64 26-11-2022 70 53 25-11-2022 73 08 24-11-2022 69 92 23-11-2022 50 50 22-11-2022 52 xx 21-11-2022 79 92 20-11-2022 59 78 19-11-2022 17 97 18-11-2022 06 20 17-11-2022 13 57 16-11-2022 04 03 15-11-2022 89 14 14-11-2022 71 61 13-11-2022 50 77 12-11-2022 83 87 11-11-2022 80 74 10-11-2022 06 50 09-11-2022 65 44 08-11-2022 32 29 07-11-2022 46 56 06-11-2022 41 99 05-11-2022 26 51 04-11-2022 44 91 03-11-2022 21 60 02-11-2022 54 12 01-11-2022 76 30
October 2022
DATE FR SR 31-10-2022 20 64 30-10-2022 46 74 29-10-2022 36 32 28-10-2022 43 89 27-10-2022 79 39 26-10-2022 18 89 25-10-2022 66 90 24-10-2022 36 77 23-10-2022 22 xx 22-10-2022 41 19 21-10-2022 88 23 20-10-2022 19 78 19-10-2022 51 29 18-10-2022 12 64 17-10-2022 54 41 16-10-2022 02 99 15-10-2022 21 17 14-10-2022 83 84 13-10-2022 25 66 12-10-2022 25 21 11-10-2022 90 07 10-10-2022 58 90 09-102022 70 10 08-10-2022 20 29 07-10-2022 76 09 06-10-2022 50 36 05-10-2022 33 22 04-10-2022 76 42 03-10-2022 71 78 02-10-2022 51 38 01-10-2022 58 69
September 2022
DATE FR SR 30-09-2022 52 37 29-08-2022 30 79 28-09-2022 99 59 27-09-2022 58 33 26-09-2022 94 97 25-09-2022 59 32 24-09-2022 82 12 23-09-2022 95 82 22-09-2022 54 63 21-09-2022 82 77 20-09-2022 82 30 19-09-2022 62 71 18-09-2022 87 02 17-09-2022 59 67 16-09-2022 13 81 15-09-2022 60 50 14-09-2022 21 52 13-09-2022 06 83 12-09-2022 54 70 11-09-2022 85 85 10-09-2022 37 17 09-09-2022 39 85 08-09-2022 69 31 07-09-2022 94 13 06-09-2022 29 21 05-09-2022 78 58 04-09-2022 17 59 03-09-2022 91 29 02-09-2022 05 92 01-09-2022 12 74
August 2022
DATE FR SR 31-08-2022 04 04 30-08-2022 95 67 29-08-2022 17 40 28-08-2022 85 13 27-08-2022 74 30 26-08-2022 84 98 25-08-2022 61 90 24-08-2022 90 18 23-08-2022 20 17 22-08-2022 69 42 21-08-2022 20 60 20-08-2022 60 91 19-08-2022 28 26 18-08-2022 21 38 17-08-2022 39 20 16-08-2022 04 01 15-08-2022 26 37 14-08-2022 53 18 13-08-2022 54 50 12-08-2022 27 20 11-08-2022 98 40 10-08-2022 33 59 09-08-2022 31 12 08-08-2022 44 16 07-08-2022 66 59 06-08-2022 01 28 05-08-2022 16 85 04-08-2022 93 93 03-08-2022 08 26 02-08-2022 18 61 01-08-2022 43 59
July 2022
DATE FR SR 31-07-2022 59 03 30-07-2022 99 39 29-07-2022 51 50 28-07-2022 77 97 27-07-2022 44 77 26-07-2022 60 17 25-07-2022 89 85 24-07-2022 21 65 23-07-2022 42 92 22-07-2022 50 20 21-07-2022 42 93 20-07-2022 01 86 19-07-2022 85 41 18-07-2022 42 07 17-07-2022 82 98 16-07-2022 79 72 15-07-2022 79 83 14-07-2022 28 26 13-07-2022 63 48 12-07-2022 29 26 11-07-2022 40 59 10-07-2022 78 43 09-07-2022 75 28 08-07-2022 06 59 07-07-2022 66 22 06-07-2022 92 22 05-07-2022 87 50 04-07-2022 30 92 03-07-2022 29 53 02-07-2022 89 16 01-07-2022 96 74
June 2022
DATE FR SR 30-06-2022 26 89 29-06-2022 75 02 28-06-2022 74 62 27-06-2022 30 35 26-06-2022 38 65 25-06-2022 68 75 24-06-2022 05 28 23-06-2022 27 20 22-06-2022 36 45 21-06-2022 22 35 20-06-2022 59 19 19-06-2022 42 43 18-06-2022 66 05 17-06-2022 74 30 16-06-2022 49 53 15-06-2022 80 11 14-06-2022 50 40 13-06-2022 80 82 12-06-2022 69 03 11-06-2022 06 87 10-06-2022 45 86 09-06-2022 95 29 08-06-2022 30 15 07-06-2022 80 72 06-06-2022 48 71 05-06-2022 71 30 04-06-2022 13 48 03-06-2022 30 87 02-06-2022 78 01 01-06-2022 63 45
May 2022
DATE FR SR 31-05-2022 69 71 30-05-2022 68 55 29-05-2022 86 12 28-05-2022 41 81 27-05-2022 98 36 26-05-2022 35 23 25-05-2022 91 04 24-05-2022 14 19 23-05-2022 75 78 22-05-2022 06 23 21-05-2022 88 50 20-05-2022 11 58 19-05-2022 30 54 18-05-2022 07 19 17-05-2022 14 47 16-05-2022 74 96 15-05-2022 98 92 14-05-2022 08 63 13-05-2022 80 90 12-05-2022 26 61 11-05-2022 89 32 10-05-2022 44 25 09-05-2022 62 04 08-05-2022 74 02 07-05-2022 44 44 06-05-2022 75 11 05-05-2022 47 35 04-05-2022 61 68 03-05-2022 77 50 02-05-2022 97 39 01-05-2022 43 91
April 2022
DATE FR SR 30-04-2022 03 02 29-04-2022 53 45 28-04-2022 82 05 27-04-2022 68 83 26-04-2022 19 16 25-04-2022 99 17 24-04-2022 84 81 23-04-2022 06 11 22-04-2022 42 68 21-04-2022 43 08 20-04-2022 11 39 19-04-2022 37 30 18-04-2022 37 58 17-04-2022 07 40 16-04-2022 83 10 15-04-2022 91 99 14-04-2022 89 43 13-04-2022 46 71 12-04-2022 46 07 11-04-2022 83 48 10-04-2022 46 51 09-04-2022 42 47 08-04-2022 71 92 07-04-2022 62 33 06-04-2022 03 06 05-04-2022 32 29 04-04-2022 99 11 03-04-2022 65 06 02-04-2022 88 63 01-04-2022 88 29
March 2022
DATE FR SR 31-03-2022 55 94 30-03-2022 27 26 29-03-2022 93 28 28-03-2022 27 69 27-03-2022 12 14 26-03-2022 49 58 25-03-2022 08 44 24-03-2022 01 46 23-03-2022 35 86 22-03-2022 92 32 21-03-2022 51 82 20-03-2022 59 83 19-03-2022 57 15 18-03-2022 99 02 17-03-2022 93 19 16-03-2022 05 23 15-03-2022 02 05 14-03-2022 95 66 13-03-2022 83 85 12-03-2022 90 37 11-03-2022 93 68 10-03-2022 41 99 09-03-2022 97 27 08-03-2022 50 97 07-03-2022 29 10 06-03-2022 70 04 05-03-2022 74 33 04-03-2022 91 69 03-03-2022 91 33 02-03-2022 31 88 01-03-2022 46 43
February 2022
DATE FR SR 28-02-2022 51 33 27-02-2022 24 19 26-02-2022 24 32 25-02-2022 31 84 24-02-2022 82 77 23-02-2022 80 70 22-02-2022 83 26 21-02-2022 24 29 20-02-2022 62 63 19-02-2022 41 03 18-02-2022 65 46 17-02-2022 75 31 16-02-2022 94 70 15-02-2022 24 67 14-02-2022 20 90 13-02-2022 16 69 12-02-2022 62 45 11-02-2022 58 65 10-02-2022 26 18 09-02-2022 02 64 08-02-2022 77 76 07-02-2022 19 05 06-02-2022 33 40 05-02-2022 53 47 04-02-2022 82 52 03-02-2022 01 52 02-02-2022 85 89 01-02-2022 66 37
January 2022
DATE FR SR 31-01-2022 02 79 30-01-2022 04 82 29-01-2022 37 06 28-01-2022 04 02 27-01-2022 33 58 26-01-2022 68 61 25-01-2022 84 30 24-01-2022 07 88 23-01-2022 33 11 22-01-2022 15 49 21-01-2022 39 32 20-01-2022 55 73 19-01-2022 71 73 18-01-2022 24 72 17-01-2022 29 80 15-01-2022 65 76 14-01-2022 69 51 13-01-2022 95 47 12-01-2022 29 96 11-01-2022 04 15 10-01-2022 20 37 09-01-2022 63 32 08-01-2022 83 83 07-01-2022 84 01 06-01-2022 02 46 05-01-2022 87 64 04-01-2022 03 62 03-01-2022 84 90 02-01-2022 64 79 01-01-2022 61 89
December 2021
DATE FR SR 31-12-2021 19 28 30-12-2021 68 73 29-12-2021 27 64 28-12-2021 31 03 27-12-2021 69 06 26-12-2021 04 67 25-12-2021 12 61 24-12-2021 44 14 23-12-2021 61 94 22-12-2021 01 61 21-12-2021 84 28 20-12-2021 18 90 19-12-2021 75 40 18-12-2021 30 30 17-12-2021 47 22 16-12-2021 41 45 15-12-2021 81 97 14-12-2021 93 97 13-12-2021 92 34 12-12-2021 01 14 11-12-2021 18 41 10-12-2021 48 27 09-12-2021 83 41 08-12-2021 27 45 07-12-2021 20 06 06-12-2021 68 26 05-12-2021 48 01 04-12-2021 06 76 03-12-2021 47 38 02-12-2021 66 99 01-12-2021 47 27
November 2021
DATE FR SR 30-11-2021 78 42 29-11-2021 87 62 28-11-2021 24 46 27-11-2021 05 75 26-11-2021 07 40 25-11-2021 78 63 24-11-2021 12 13 23-11-2021 80 74 22-11-2021 72 26 21-11-2021 89 10 20-11-2021 19 58 19-11-2021 84 84 18-11-2021 12 06 17-11-2021 14 30 16-11-2021 40 25 15-11-2021 54 42 14-11-2021 92 40 13-11-2021 07 31 12-11-2021 72 07 11-11-2021 50 41 10-11-2021 01 70 09-11-2021 62 35 08-11-2021 06 92 07-11-2021 98 06 06-11-2021 29 27 05-11-2021 61 67 04-11-2021 48 83 03-11-2021 07 39 02-11-2021 09 06 01-11-2021 32 72
October 2021
DATE FR SR 31-10-2021 37 14 30-10-2021 61 41 29-10-2021 22 05 28-10-2021 35 98 27-10-2021 99 51 26-10-2021 51 53 25-10-2021 63 91 24-10-2021 43 54 23-10-2021 39 99 22-10-2021 67 11 21-10-2021 73 41 20-10-2021 24 33 19-10-2021 68 67 18-10-2021 32 20 17-10-2021 99 42 16-10-2021 70 40 15-10-2021 32 87 14-10-2021 54 54 13-10-2021 02 76 12-10-2021 40 26 11-10-2021 63 62 10-10-2021 75 75 09-10-2021 40 35 08-10-2021 42 48 07-10-2021 51 19 06-10-2021 27 19 05-10-2021 35 09 04-10-2021 70 43 03-10-2021 61 48 02-10-2021 62 09 01-10-2021 09 02
September 2021
DATE FR SR 30-09-2021 98 37 29-09-2021 51 91 28-09-2021 76 18 27-09-2021 36 01 26-09-2021 04 61 25-09-2021 80 62 24-09-2021 90 32 23-09-2021 31 35 22-09-2021 66 49 21-09-2021 55 53 20-09-2021 66 89 19-09-2021 12 87 18-09-2021 94 38 17-09-2021 74 51 16-09-2021 81 81 15-09-2021 94 57 14-09-2021 80 58 13-09-2021 24 28 12-09-2021 89 46 11-09-2021 17 15 10-09-2021 99 45 09-09-2021 57 17 08-09-2021 87 52 07-09-2021 54 65 06-09-2021 94 81 05-09-2021 32 32 04-09-2021 24 49 03-09-2021 12 95 02-09-2021 31 14 01-09-2021 59 53
August 2021
DATE FR SR 31-08-2021 49 22 30-08-2021 94 70 29-08-2021 91 07 28-08-2021 51 15 27-08-2021 67 07 26-08-2021 28 93 25-08-2021 66 92 24-08-2021 35 82 23-08-2021 16 62 22-08-2021 64 63 21-08-2021 18 07 20-08-2021 18 58 19-08-2021 05 65 18-08-2021 17 02 17-08-2021 12 74 16-08-2021 42 18 15-08-2021 17 13 14-08-2021 18 53 13-08-2021 47 30 12-08-2021 30 86 11-08-2021 56 89 10-08-2021 17 11 09-08-2021 72 62 08-08-2021 09 47 07-08-2021 34 05 06-08-2021 29 64 05-08-2021 48 15 04-08-2021 42 51 03-08-2021 49 69 02-08-2021 20 88 01-08-2021 26 02